
Accessories for packaging

Secure your shipment effectively

Packaging accessories are a crucial part of successful packaging. They complete your packaging solution and ensure that your goods reach the recipient in perfect condition.

The benefits of using accessories for packaging

  • Improved product safety: Using the right accessories can help protect your products from damage during transport. This can lead to fewer returns and claims, saving you time and money.
  • Increased efficiency: Some accessories, such as stretch film and automated tape application, can help streamline your packaging process. This can save you time and labour costs.
  • Improved organisation: Labels and labelling can help you keep track of your goods during transport and storage. This can lead to more organised and efficient stock management.


Accessories for packaging

Globalpack helps you with packaging solutions that focus on sustainability, economy and logistics.

Hand stretch film

Machine stretch film

Stretch film for spy filming

PP tape

PET tape

VG tyre

Steel strapping

Globalpack offers shock-absorbing materials for packaging that come in different forms, such as foam and paper. These materials absorb shock and vibration during transport, reducing the risk of damage to products. It is particularly important to use shock-absorbing packaging for fragile products such as electronics, glass and ceramics.